Dashboard Glossary
Adjustable Block Program (ABP) - The statutory name for Illinois Shines, the ABP is an IPA-administered program that supports the development of new solar energy generation in Illinois through providing financial incentives for new Distributed Generation and Community Solar projects.
Aggregator - An aggregator within the IPA solar programs works with installers, developers, and sometimes individuals to submit projects for approval into the programs and to be the Seller counterparty for REC delivery contracts. Aggregators are responsible for submitting applications and ensuring contract compliance. Aggregators are usually at least one step removed from the end-use customer and usually interface with customers via a Designee.
Ameren Illinois (Ameren) - A regulated electric and gas delivery utility company in Illinois. Ameren’s service territory covers mostly central and downstate Illinois.
Approved Vendor (AV) - An entity approved by the IPA Program Administrator to submit project applications to Illinois Shines or Illinois Solar for All and act as the Seller counterparty to REC Contracts with the assigned buyers (utilities or the IPA).
Attrition or Project Attrition - Projects that received a Renewable Energy Credit (REC) contract to develop the project, but subsequently ended that contract. These may include projects that were not ultimately developed, projects that then participated in subsequent procurements, or projects that found other offtakers for the RECs.
Brownfield Site Photovoltaics – A a photovoltaic project interconnected to an electric utility and located at a site regulated by certain state or federal entities and under specified state or federal initiatives as defined under Section 1-10 of the IPA Act (20 ILCS 3855/1-10).
Capacity - As defined under Section 1-10 of the Illinois Power Agency Act (20 ILCS 3855/1-10), the nameplate capacity means the aggregate inverter nameplate capacity in kilowatts AC.
Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) - CEJA (Public Act 102-0662) was signed into law by Governor Pritzker on September 15, 2021. The many initiatives created by CEJA include expanding the Illinois Renewable Portfolio Standard and strengthening the diversity, equity, and labor standards applicable to the growing clean energy economy.
Commonwealth Edison (ComEd) - A regulated electric utility in Illinois. ComEd’s service territory mostly covers northern Illinois.
Competitive Procurements - As part of administering the Illinois Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), the Illinois Power Agency supports the development of utility-scale wind and solar through conducting competitive procurements for Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) from proposed projects. Bidders in competitive procurements are generally selected on the basis of the lowest proposed price, with select additional preferences now utilized for locational or equity-related demonstrations.
Community Solar (CS) - A solar project of up to five megawatts in size that does not directly offset a customer’s usage, but for which individual retail customers can “subscribe” to the project. Those subscribers then receive credits on their electric utility bills for their subscribed share of power generated by the community solar project. Community Solar allows individuals, businesses, schools, and other customers to access clean solar power when it is impractical, too expensive, or otherwise unfeasible to install solar panels on their property.
Community-Driven Community Solar (CDCS) - Community Solar projects intended to provide more direct and tangible benefits to, and involvement of, the local community. Benefits of CDCS projects include community ownership and wealth-building, additional direct and indirect community benefits, and meaningful project involvement and connection and engagement from community members, nonprofit organizations, or public entities. Community-driven community solar projects are evaluated for program selection using criteria outlined in Section 1-75(c)(1)(K)(v) of the IPA Act (20 ILCS 3855).
Community Solar Subscriber - A person who (1) takes delivery service from an electric utility, municipal utility, or rural electric cooperative, and (2) has a subscription of no less than 200 watts to a community solar project that is located in the utility's service area.
Community Solar Subscription - An interest in a community solar project expressed in kilowatts, which is sized primarily to offset part or all of the subscriber's electricity usage. When customers subscribe to a Community Solar project, subscribers’ electric bills are credited for their portion of the community solar project’s energy production through net metering. To subscribe to a Community Solar project, customers will generally pay a subscription fee, either via a separate bill or included within their utility bill.
Contracting Utility - The utility that acts as the buyer under the relevant REC Contract. By procuring RECs, utilities demonstrate their compliance with the RPS.
Designee - Third-party (i.e., non-Approved Vendor) entities that have direct interaction with end-use customers under Illinois Shines or Illinois Solar for All. This includes installers, marketing firms, lead generators, and sales organizations. Designees must be partnered with an Approved Vendor and register in the relevant program.
Distributed Generation (DG) - A system that is located on-site, behind a customer’s meter, and used primarily to offset a single customer’s load; it cannot exceed 5,000 kW AC in size.
Distributed Generation Installer - An entity that has received certification from the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) to perform distributed generation installations.
Energized - A system which is complete, has received utility permission to operate, and is online and producing energy. For projects participating in Illinois Shines and Illinois Solar for All, Energized also means the project has completed and received approval of Part II of the relevant program’s application, including having initiated the automatic transfer of the project’s Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) on a reoccurring basis to the applicable buyer (e.g., utility or IPA) in either GATS or M-RETS. For competitively procured projects, energized means that the project is delivering RECs.
Energy Sovereignty - Projects within the Illinois Solar for All program that featuring a defined path to majority or full ownership by income-eligible household and/or community organizations. The intent of energy sovereignty requirements is to promote ownership and wealth-building for local people and communities.
Environmental Justice Community (EJC) – Communities disproportionately affected by certain environmental factors and phenomena, such as air pollution, toxic materials, and hazardous waste. The statutory framework underpinning the Illinois Solar for All program provides a preference for solar projects located in Environmental Justice Communities. The Illinois Solar for All program identifies environmental justice communities in Illinois based on a methodological framework established in Section 8.12 of the IPA’s Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan; that framework utilizes environmental and demographic indicators to determine which census block groups across the state qualify as Environnmental Justice Communities. The Illinois Solar for All program has a map and address look-up tool available for these defined communities.
Equity Eligible Contractor (EEC) - As defined under Section 1-10 of the Illinois Power Agency Act (20 ILCS 3855/1-10), EEC means a business that is majority-owned by eligible persons, or a nonprofit or cooperative that is majority-governed by eligible persons, or is a natural person that is an eligible person offering personal services as an independent contractor.
Equity Eligible Persons (EEPs) - As defined under Section 1-10 of the Illinois Power Agency Act (20 ILCS 3855/1-10), EEPs are persons who would most benefit from equitable investments by the State designed to combat discrimination, specifically: (1) persons who graduate from or are current or former participants in the Clean Jobs Workforce Network Program, the Clean Energy Contractor Incubator Program, the Illinois Climate Works Pre-apprenticeship Program, Returning Residents Clean Jobs Training Program, or the Clean Energy Primes Contractor Accelerator Program, and the solar training pipeline and multi-cultural jobs program created [by the Future Energy Jobs Act]; (2) persons who are graduates of or currently enrolled in the foster care system; (3) persons who were formerly incarcerated; (4) persons whose primary residence is in an equity investment eligible community.
Equity Investment Eligible Communities - As defined under Section 1-10 of the Illinois Power Agency Act (20 ILCS 3855/1-10), Equity Investment Eligible Communities are geographic areas throughout Illinois which would most benefit from equitable investments by the State designed to combat discrimination. The eligible communities are: (1) R3 Areas as established pursuant to Section 10-40 of the Cannabis Regulation Tax Act, where residents have historically been excluded from economic opportunities, including opportunities in the energy sector; and (2) Environmental justice communities, as defined by the Illinois Power Agency pursuant to the Illinois Power Agency Act, where residents have historically been subject to disproportionate burdens of pollution, including pollution from the energy sector.
Fossil Fuels- An energy source formed in the Earth's crust from decayed organic material. Common fossil fuels are petroleum, coal, and natural gas.
Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA) - FEJA (Public Act 099-0906) became effective on June 1, 2017. FEJA created statewide solar programs that are open to all Illinois residents, competitive procurements for utility-scale projects, and provided updates to Illinois’ Renewable Portfolio Standard, net metering, and energy efficiency standards. FEJA also established the Zero Emissions Standard, which supports at-risk nuclear facilities.
Generation Attribute Tracking System (GATS)- Commonly referred to as Generation Attribute Tracking System (GATS), it is one of two tracking registries, which along with M-RETS can be used to track creation, transfer, and retirement of RECs. PJM Environmental Information Services, Inc. (PJM EIS) owns and administers GATS. PJM EIS is an independent entity from the State of Illinois, the IPA.
Generator nameplate capacity (installed) - The maximum rated output of a generator, prime mover, or other electric power production equipment under specific conditions designated by the manufacturer. Installed generator nameplate capacity is commonly expressed in megawatts (MW) or kilowatts (kW) and is usually indicated on a nameplate physically attached to the generator.
Group - Refers to the two Groups (Group A and Group B) that are used to classify a system in the Illinois Shines and Illinois Solar for All programs based on the location of the system.
Group A - Includes Ameren Illinois, MidAmerican, Mt. Carmel, Rural Electric Cooperatives, and Municipal Utilities located in MISO.
Group B - Includes ComEd, and Rural Electric Cooperatives, and Municipal Utilities located in PJM.
Hydropower - The use of flowing water to produce electrical energy.
Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) - The State Agency charged with regulating public utilities in Illinois. The ICC approves the IPA’s Long Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan and its annual Electricity Procurement Plan, approves competitive procurement results, and approves certain aspects of the Illinois Shines and Illinois Solar for All programs.
Illinois Solar for All (ILSFA) - ILSFA is an IPA solar incentive program which brings the benefits of solar energy to income-eligible households, nonprofit organizations, and public facilities to help grow the state’s clean energy economy for all.
Illinois Shines - Statutorily defined as the Adjustable Block Program, Illinois Shines is an IPA-administered program that supports the development of new solar energy generation in Illinois through providing financial incentives for new Distributed Generation and community solar projects.
Incentives - Payments made for Renewable Energy Credits (“RECs”) generated by projects participating in IPA-administered programs over their first 15 or 20 years of operation. These payments are made through contracts between Illinois electric utilities or the IPA (as Buyers) and Approved Vendors (as Sellers of RECs).
Income-Eligible Community (IEC) - Defined in the Illinois Solar for All program as census tracts having a majority (50% or greater) of households at 80% or less of Area Median Income (AMI). The Illinois Solar for All program has a map and address look-up tool available for these defined communities.
Income-Eligible Household - Defined in the Illinois Solar for All program as residential households that verify as 80% or less of Area Median Income (AMI).
Interconnecting Utility - The utility that has an interconnection agreement with the clean energy project to interconnect the project to the utility’s distribution system.
Kilowatt (kW) - 1,000 watts of power.
Kilowatt-hour (kWh) - 1,000 watts of energy used in one hour. Electrical energy consumption and production is measured in kWh.
Large Distributed Generation (LDG) - A distributed generation system larger than 25 kW, up to 5 MW within Illinois Shines program. Prior to December 14, 2021, Illinois Shines Large DG projects had to be larger than 10 kW and less than or equal to 2 MW. For reference, large DG systems are usually hosted on larger buildings or roofs, not residential properties.
Megawatt (MW)- A unit of power that is equal to 1,000 kilowatts or 1,000,000 watts.
Megawatt-hour (MWh) - A unit of energy that is equivalent to one million watt-hours or 1,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) It is equal to 1,000 kilowatts of electricity used continuously for one hour.
Mid-American - A regulated electric and gas delivery utility company in northwest Illinois.
Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) - A regional transmission organization responsible for managing electricity transmission in 15 U.S. states, including central and southern Illinois.
Midwest Renewable Energy Tracking System (M-RETS) - A web-based system used by power generators, utilities, marketers, and qualified reporting entities in participating states and provinces. M-RETS tracks Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) and facilitates REC transactions.
Minority and Women-owned Businesses Enterprises (MWBE) – Meeting the classification of a Minority-Owned Business Enterprise (MBE) and/or a Women-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE). Defined by the Illinois Solar for All Program as being registered with public or non-public third-party certifying bodies approved by ComEd and Ameren Illinois, including but not limited to, the National Minority Supplier Development Council and its regional affiliates, and the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council and its regional affiliates.
Municipal Utilities - Utilities that are owned and operated by the local government or another state body to provide a service to the public.
Mt. Carmel Public Utility - An investor-owned utility in southern Illinois.
Non-Profit and Public Facilities (NPPF) - A sub-program within the Illinois Solar for All program that provides incentives to photovoltaic projects that are located on buildings serving non-profit participants or public facilities. Projects within this sub-program must also be located in an Income-Eligible Community and/or an Environmental Justice Community and demonstrate efforts for community outreach, receive community support for the project and be occupied by a Critical Service Provider (e.g., youth centers, house of worship, food pantries).
Nuclear - Electricity generated by thermal energy released from the fission of nuclear fuel in a reactor.
Part I - Application process during which an Approved Vendor participating in the IPA’s solar incentive programs groups solar projects and submits them as a “batch” to the Program Administrator.
Part I Approved - Status of an application when a project is approved to receive incentives through the IPA’s incentive programs.
Part II - Application process during which an Approved Vendor participating in the IPA's solar incentive programs submits a final application to demonstrate project energization to the Program Administrator. This includes final details and documentation about a solar project.
Part II Approved - Status of an application after a project is built and energized. It shows that the project was built as described in the Part I application and is now up and running.
PJM - A regional transmission organization (RTO) that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in all or parts 13 states, including northern Illinois.
Project - A solar photovoltaic array or array of wind turbines and all associated equipment necessary for its generation of electricity and connection to the distribution grid. Its definition is synonymous with the definition for “System”.
Public School – A category within the Illinois Shines program that supports the development of distributed generation and community solar projects that are sited and and serve public schools.
Regional Transmission Organization/Independent System Operator (RTO/ISO) - An electric power transmission system operator that coordinates, controls, and monitors a multi-state electric grid (e.g., PJM, MISO). Similar to a utility for distribution, an RTO is responsible for the operation of the transmission system to which a project is interconnected.
Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) - The environmental attributes represented by 1 MWh of electricity generated by a renewable generator.
Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) - A state policy intended to increase the use of renewable energy, such as solar panels and wind turbines, to generate electricity. The Illinois RPS requires Illinois electric utilities to meet a specified portion of retail electric sales from renewable energy resources through the procurement and retirement of renewable energy credits, or “RECs”.
Residential Solar (Large) - A sub-program within the Illinois Solar for All Program intended for residential distributed generation projects of 5+ units.
Residential Solar (Small) - A sub-program within the Illinois Solar for All Program intended for residential distributed generation projects of 1-4 units.
Residential Solar - Used when referring to both Residential Solar (Small) and Residential Solar (Large) Illinois Solar for All sub-programs.
Rural Electric Cooperatives - Nonprofit electric utilities operating in more rural areas across the state. Unlike investor-owned utilities, rural electric cooperatives (also called “electric co-ops”) are owned by member-owners, the customers for which they provide electricity.
Self-direct Program – An incentive program authorized under Section 1-75(c)(1)(R) of the IPA Act that encourages large electric load Illinois customers (aggregated demand over 10 MW) served by ComEd or Ameren Illinois to retire Renewable Energy Credits (“RECs”) acquired through private long-term contracts with new utility-scale wind and/or solar facilities. Participants in the Self-direct Program receive an electric bill credit reducing Renewable Portfolio Standard-related bill charges.
Small Distributed Generation - Distributed Generation projects up to and including 25 kW AC in size; prior to December 14, 2021, Illinois Shines Small DG projects had to be less than or equal to 10 kW.
Solar - Technologies and products that harness sunlight to produce either heat or electricity. Photovoltaics are a subset of solar, relying on the conversion of light into electricity using semiconducting materials. Solar projects described in the dashboard rely exclusively on photovoltaics for electricity generation.
System - A solar photovoltaic array or array of wind turbines and all associated equipment necessary for its generation of electricity and connection to the distribution grid. Its definition is synonymous with the definition for “Project”.
Traditional Community Solar - A category within the Illinois Shines program supporting community solar projects under which the solar project may not be located in or have connections with the subscribers’ community (as contrasted with the smaller “Community-Driven Community Solar” category within the program).
Under Development - Projects that have been awarded Renewable Energy Credit (REC) contracts but have not yet Energized and Part II approved/verified by the relevant program. For competitively procured projects, Under Development means that the project is not yet delivering RECs.
Utility-Scale - Solar, wind, and Brownfield projects participating in the IPA’s competitive procurements of at least 5 MW in size, be located in Illinois (or meet a set of public interest criteria if located in an adjacent state) and fulfill project maturity requirements. As part of administering the Illinois Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), the IPA supports the development of utility-scale wind and solar through conducting competitive procurements for Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) from the new projects.
Wind - Technologies and products related to the harnessing of wind energy to produce electricity or mechanical force.