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Download Data

The Download Data page is a repository of datasets powering the Illinois Clean Energy Dashboard. Each dataset is accompanied by downloadable files to provide transparency into the sources and procedures used in our visualizations.

Here, visitors can access the datasets utilized in the visualizations, facilitating independent analysis and extraction of valuable insights. Visitors can also access comprehensive, detailed information on each dataset's source, methodology, and relevant contextual details.

DISCLAIMER AGREEMENT: Access to and use of the data from the Illinois Clean Energy Dashboard shall impose the following obligations on the user, as set forth in this Agreement. The user agrees to credit Illinois Clean Energy Dashboard, Illinois Power Agency, when using all IPA data and all data visualizations from or based upon the Dashboard in publications and presentations. When using data from external sources included on the Dashboard, please credit the appropriate entity and provide proper citation as shown on this page.

The user may not modify, sell, or redistribute data from the Illinois Clean Energy Dashboard in whole or in part for advertising and/or commercial use. The user of the data also understands that the IPA is not obligated to provide support, training, or advice of any kind about the use of the data on the Illinois Clean Energy Dashboard.

The Illinois Clean Energy Dashboard website is operated and maintained by the Illinois Power Agency, an independent state agency under the State of Illinois. Access to the Illinois Clean Energy Dashboard website is subject to terms and conditions set forth by the State of Illinois. To read these terms and guidelines, please visit the State of Illinois Privacy Notice.

Dataset Category Data Sources

Electricity Generation Mix

(Data for this category comes from an external source, please visit link to original source exhibited in right-hand column)

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). (October 4, 2024). Net Generation by State by Type of Producer by Energy Source (EIA-906, EIA-920, and EIA-923).

Midwest Solar and Wind Capacity

(Data for this category comes from an external source, please visit link to original source exhibited in right-hand column)

Generation Attribute Tracking System (GATS). (July 2, 2024).
Renewable Generators Registered in GATS

Midwest Renewable Energy Tracking System (M-RETS). (July 8, 2024). M-RETS.

Hoen, D. B., Diffendorfer, J. E., Rand, J. T., Kramer, L. A., Garrity, C. P., and Hunt, H. E. (May 10, 2024). United States Wind Turbine Database v7.0.; U.S. Geological Survey, American Clean Power Association, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory data release.

Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). (Q12024). State-By-State Map. SEIA.

Illinois Department of Public Health (DPH). (2020, April 1).
Population by Race and Ethnicity for Illinois and its Counties

IPA Initiatives

IPA Initiatives (XLSX)
Illinois Power Agency. (February 2025). IPA Initiatives.

Illinois Shines

IL-Shines (XLSX)
Illinois Power Agency. (February 2025). Illinois Shines.

Illinois Solar for All

Illinois Power Agency. (February 2025). Illinois Solar for All.

Competitive Procurements

Competitive Procurements (XLSX)
Illinois Power Agency. (February 2025). Competitive Procurements.


Tracking Illinois' Progress
